Saturday, July 10, 2010

Year-to-Date Progress

So far this year (beginning in January when I started commuting to school by bike) I have logged ~800 miles (799.98!) on the bike. Considering there have been a number of times where the computer didn't work or I outright forgot to turn it on, I am only 200 miles away from my seasonal goal of 1000 miles.

Why is this such a big deal for a girl who's been riding for 5 years? Because I've never reached 1000 miles in a single season yet. I came close a few years ago, missing the goal by about 80 miles (two rides! I'm still embarrassed that I couldn't squeeze out 80 miles in August-December a couple years ago).

Riding is, generally, a catharsis. The sayings about bad days at golf and fishing (or leisure "nothing-box" activities in general) hold at least as true for cycling: it's spiritual, peaceful, rewarding and, even if you have to talk yourself into getting on the bike and riding (which is never a pleasant place to be in, mentally), the end result is, 99% of the time, intense satisfaction.

I'm really glad that I joined the TEAM this year -- I've been feeling guilty hitting people up for money (I could have just joined any club and ridden this summer) -- it gave me something to strive for and gave me a non-selfish reason (sort of?) to get on the bike and do the distances that I want to do, and an obligation to get on the bike and actually do them.

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