Friday, May 13, 2011

Weekday ride - Thursday, 12 May

I was surprised at this ride for two reasons:
1. That I actually went
2. That I felt so good

After a bit too much celebrating my nearing 40, in the form of an extra shot of jaeger, I showed up no worse for wear for the Brookhaven loops like the trooper I am. I wasnt sure I would want to do two full loops, or even one, but I manned up and went out.

I started the ride slowly enough, but when I turned off of Windsor into whatever the hell name of the rough road, I picked up steam and realized that I felt GREAT and that two loops were in order.

The first five mile jaunt still had a slow average, of 14.8 or something, but I found my legs and stomach and brought that up to something more respectable by the end. I just felt really good. And, of course, having V there was incredibly helpful.


Maximum speed: 29.6 mph
Average speed: 15.2 mph
Distance: 20.37 mi
Time: 1.19.48

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