Saturday, November 24, 2012

This week in training

Belated Graciasgiving wishes to you, my 7 readers. I just got back home from a GTS, our first at The River. It was a chilly start, but standing in the sun (and then running) made all the difference. I ran with P, who I first met on Wednesday. He's a friend of D and is new to TNT, if not running and cycling. It's been a pretty good week in terms of excercise: I ran on Sunday (because I totally bailed on the ride to Duluth with the KSR folks) as well as on Tuesday (with some sweet PRs and my first sub-10-minute mile!) and, of course Wednesday. On Thursday I opted for a ride out to Stone Mountain and back, partly to make up for the lack of a ride on Sunday and partly to stretch my legs differently. I hadn't been on the bike since last week and it had been too long. I was pretty tight and sore, but it was still an enjoyable ride with good company.

Post-post-run-cooldown. Sunny and cool and awesome.

Yesterday, of course, was a rest day. I am very good at rest days.

I'm feeling pretty good about these runs, and I think that when the time comes (next week?) I'll be good to go for increased mileage. That's been an option the last few weeks, too, but you know me.


Average pace: 11.07 (11.19)
Distance: 3.18
Time: 0.35.20 (0.35.57)
Average Heart Rate: 193

These heart rates have seemed off lately, I'm not sure what to make of it. I feel good during the run, and not like my heart is trying to beat its way out of my chest, so I'm going to assume I'm OK and that it's the technology.

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